The concept of happiness at work, although relatively new, has become increasingly popular with the newer generations. Happiness is the key to anything we want to achieve successfully, therefore to further advance your career in a healthy way it is advantageous to set it as a goal. Happiness multiplies success. So how do we get it?
When workplace happiness is measured by hedonic pleasure like daily positive encounters it may be short-lived. Workplace happiness is determined by the way we guide our thoughts as opposed to a by-product of external factors as many people falsely believe. Here are some tips on how to guide your thoughts and feelings to determine your actions in the workplace.
1. Mindfulness
Studies conducted in the Harvard Medical School and the Bender Institute of Neuroimaging in Germany have shown that people who practice mindfulness and meditate before or after working hours feel more connected to and more emotionally stable at work. Mindfulness is the state of being fully present and aware, this means engaging your senses, being conscious of what we are thinking and feeling. Want to learn more about Mindfulness? Check it out! PS if you need some help meditating we recommend you download Aura or Headspace.
2. Workout
Even if you don’t have time to go to the gym you can squeeze in a 15-20 minute walk. It has been proven repeatedly that exercise releases toxins that cause weariness, making you happier and more productive at work. Getting even a minimal dose of exercise each day will be beneficial in all aspects of your life. So NO EXCUSES, squeeze it in your schedule however you can. Need more convincing? Read about more amazing benefits a simple workout can bring you.
3. Focus on the task at hand
Multitasking actually wastes more time, it is bound to end in distractions. Avoid this by making a to-do list. Go through the list one by one in the order of importance and then focus!
4. Schedule
Maintaining a flexible schedule is key. Prolonged working hours may with no breaks wear down your brain, it may bring you down taking a toll on productivity and causing feelings of distress. Have trouble organizing your time? Here are some tips for you!
5. Start off right
When you get into work take a moment to plan your thoughts and your day. A day that has started off on a right note is more likely to be extra fruitful.