Here we have a small guide for you guys about obtaining an Israeli working visa!
Work visas & work permits
If you want to work in Israel, you will need a work visa to enter the country and work here.
You can obtain the work visa if you are already in Israel, or in your country of residence through the Israeli Consulate in your country.
If you attended a program through the “Masa” Project you should contact the “Masa” representative at your hometown, so they can help you in obtaining the visa.
If this is not the case for you, please continue reading.
Your employer in Israel and you must both submit forms to the Israeli government to obtain your work visa. Your Israeli employer applies to the Ministry of Interior for your work visa, and you must submit documents to the Israeli Consulate at your country.
Exact documentation requirements are different for every country, but most consulates will ask for these basic documents:
valid passport
completed application for a visa to enter Israel
certificate of medical examination
declaration of taking of fingerprints
certification of good conduct
two passport-sized photos
signed document from employer stating they intend to hire you
When you arrive in Israel, a customs official will put a visa stamp in your passport which will be valid for 30 days. The Ministry of Interior grants work visa extensions while you are in Israel. An extension is essential if you are permanently working in Israel. Holders of work permits should apply for work visa extensions within 30 days of entering Israel. Extensions are valid for a year and allow you to enter and exit Israel.
Obtaining a work permit is a long process and deals with multiple branches of the Israeli government. Each of these branches will want to see documentation, so make copies of all your documents. Applying for permits requires multiple steps, and you must renew your permits annually.
To receive an Israeli work permit, you and your employer must apply to different branches of the Israeli government. Have copies of all travel documents, educational certificates and employer contracts, and make sure your employer also has those documents. Your employer acts as an official sponsor for your work permit, and they submit an initial permit application to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labour. The application includes information about your prospective position and salary with the company. The Ministry will process the application in 4-8 weeks.
If you are approved by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Labour, they will send a letter of recommendation to the Ministry of Industry. At this point in time, you must apply to your consulate for a work permit. Your nearest consulate will evaluate additional documents and also recommend you to the Ministry of Industry for a work permit. If you are approved by these branches of government, your consulate will issue a work permit to you.
You should apply for a work visa at the same time as your work permit. Work visas allow you to enter the country. Within 30 days of arriving in Israel, you will have to apply for an extended work visa. This extended visa is valid for a year and allows you multiple entries into Israel.